How does SpecialChem define the digital marketing campaign KPIs?

The digital marketing program results are measured upon the performance of certain values generated by your digital marketing campaigns, known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Below are the main KPIs on Program Analytics and the campaigns upon which these figures are generated.

  1. KPIs: Views, Clicks, Leads and Sample Requests
  2. Type of campaigns: Online Banners, Universal Selector, Newsletter Banner, Newsletter Text Advertorial (textad), Targeted Mailshot, Webinar, Supplier in Focus, Technology Center and Storefront

What is the definition/meaning of a View?

Views are the number of times buyers are exposed to your brand. It is the sum of:

  • Newsletter Text Ad views
  • Supplier in Focus views
  • Online Banner views
  • Newsletter Banner views
  • Mailshot opens
  • Technology Center Page Views

Note: Views from the Universal Selector are not counted as the products are displayed in a list alongside other products and thus have limited impact on brand awareness.

What is the definition/meaning of a Click?

A click is the action taken by a buyer to educate him/herself on your solution. It is the sum of clicks on:

  • Newsletter Text Ads
  • Newsletter Banners
  • Online Banners
  • Products/Documents in Selector List
  • Mailshot Links

What is the definition/meaning of a Lead?

A logged member who has:

  • Downloaded a document (PDF) on the platform
  • Seen the full product page
  • Sent a request
  • Attended a webinar

What is the definition/meaning of a Request?

A logged member who has completed a contact form on the SpecialChem website to:

  • Request a sample
  • Contact supplier

What is the definition/meaning of Open rate?

The open rate is a key performance indicator for outbound campaigns: newsletter and targeted mailshots. It represents the percentage rate at which emails are opened.

The open rate is calculated as: number of email opens / number of emails delivered.

What is the definition/meaning of Click rate?

The click rate, also known as click-through-rate, is the percentage rate at which people clicked after viewing a digital campaign.

The click rate is calculated as: number of clicks / number of views.

What is the definition/meaning of Lead rate?

The lead rate is a key performance indicator for lead generation campaigns. It represents the percentage rate at which leads are generated after they viewed a campaign.

The lead rate is calculated as: number of leads / number of views.

What is the definition of the popularity index?

The popularity index allows you to benchmark your content and products against the best in class on the same technology. It is calculated as:

Number of views on your products in a specific technology / number of views on all products on the same technology