What are Exclusive Category Sponsorship banners?

Exclusive Category Sponsorship (ECS) banners appear when our members are browsing content in a specific technology category.

The purpose of the ECS banners is to influence the technical buyers’ selection process when they search in a specific category of chemicals or materials. As their name suggests, these banners give you exclusivity of a category, meaning that no banners from other suppliers can appear during the month you have them booked. 

What are the specifications for Exclusive Category Sponsorship banners? 

The Exclusive Category Sponsorship banners are a combination of Leaderboard and Rectangle position banners. Below are the specifications for each position and device:

  • Leaderboard Desktop version – 970x90px
  • Leaderboard Tablet version - 728x90px
  • Leaderboard Mobile version - 320x50px
  • Top Rectangle - 300x250px

Explore our wide range of banner offers: https://business.specialchem.com/digital-marketing-solutions/banners