What is an interview article?

An interview article is an editorial content piece published on the SpecialChem platform.

Like a typical interview, it is an opportunity for a representative from your company to share information and expertise on a variety of topics (corporate or technology-focused).

Who writes the interview article?

The interview article is a set of questions and answers similar to a typical interview. The Q&A are provided by you. Your SpecialChem dedicated team can share a set of default questions, and you are welcome to customize them.

What is needed to publish the interview?

In order to publish the interview on our website, we need:

  • The questions and answers: we advise 1-2 paragraphs maximum per answer
  • The professional headshot and short biography of the company representative answering the questions (the CEO, the Marketing Director, the Technical Manager, etc.)

Publication timeline: 10 working days after receiving final draft