What is lead scoring and how are lead scores calculated?

Every lead generated by SpecialChem is assigned a rating from 1 to 3 stars, in ascending order of relevancy/value to your business.

Using advanced data mining and artificial intelligence technologies, specific user behavior is tracked to make a rough prediction of the user’s actual intention, thereby assessing his/her level of interest and business potential to your company. 

What is In-target score?

In-target score: This score addresses to what extent a user matches your target, taking into account specific criteria including technology of interest, company activity and geographical area. The higher the score, the higher their chances of conversion. The in-target score will be 0 if:

  1. the activity does not correspond to the client’s company’s activity, and
  2. the user does not provide us with company activity.

The company activity is an exclusive/prerequisite criterion for scores to work.

What do the different In-target scores mean?

  • 3 stars: this lead matches all 3 of your in-target criteria, meaning it is the right type of company, in the right geographic region, and the person has demonstrated an interest in your technology category based on his/her recent online activity.
  • 2 stars: this lead matches 2 of your target criteria: the company activity and, either the geographical region, or has demonstrated an interest in your technology based on his/her recent online activity.
  • 1 star: this leads only matches with your target company activity, but is not in your target regions and has not shown current interest in your technology.
  • 0 star: This means there is no COMPANY TYPE MATCH so this lead receives a ZERO and is excluded from further scoring
  • -” symbol: This means there is not enough data to score the lead.

What is the interest in your technologies (IOTM) score?

Interest in your technologies (IOTM) score: This score addresses the user’s current interest in your technology in the last 7 days compared to the last 180 days. The higher this score, the higher the probability that that the lead is in project mode.

Here the score is dynamic. It means the same lead can have a different current interest in your technologies score from one month to another, depending on their online navigation.