What is Program Analytics and why use it?

Program Analytics is a free and easy-to use tool used to access and analyze the results of all your digital marketing activities with SpecialChem in real time.

Log into Program Analytics by using your unique login ID and password. The tool is built on responsive design, so you can login from mobile phone, tablet and PC. 

What specific information can be obtained in Program Analytics?

You can view and generate Excel reports on the results of individual actions or a group of actions within your desired time period and geographical area. Details of leads generated via inbound and outbound activities can also be extracted along with their individual score. 

How are results calculated and what are the important elements to keep in mind?

Results are measured upon the performance of certain values generated by your program known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on one or more of your digital campaigns. Below are the main KPIs on Program Analytics and the campaigns upon which these figures are generated.

  1. KPIs: Views, Clicks, Leads and Sample Requests
  2. Campaigns: Online Banners, Universal Selector, Newsletter Banner, Newsletter Text

Advertorial, Targeted Mailshot, Webinar, Quick promo, Supplier in Focus, Technology Center and Storefront