Why does the sum of all leads from my campaigns not correspond to the total leads I see in “Leads Details”?

In Program Analytics, the number of leads is calculated in a different way depending on where they come from:

  1. textad / mailshot
  2. selector
  3. webinar

1. Number of leads in Text ads analytics / Mailshots analytics

This number of leads corresponds to each unique member who has generated a lead.
If a member has clicked several times on different links in different emails at different times, they will only be counted once. However, if the same member continues to navigate on the website and download additional documents/products TDS, they will also be counted as an inbound lead.

2. Number of leads in Universal Selector

This number of leads corresponds to each unique member who generated one lead per month:

  • if a member generates several selector leads in the same month, they are only counted once
  • if a member generates one selector lead in two different months, they are counted twice

3. Number of Webinar leads

Note: these leads currently only appear in the list of all leads in Leads details or Campaign leads

This number of leads corresponds to each unique member who fills in a webinar form.
If the member registers for more than one webinar, they will be counted more than once.

Number of leads in Overview / Leads details / Campaign leads reports

This total of leads corresponds to the addition of the number of leads described above:
number of text ad leads + number of mailshot leads + number of selector leads + number of webinar leads.

There are also 2 types of lead lists:

  1. the summary
  2. the detail

The lead summary in Leads details contains a unique user per month.

The lead detail in Text ads or Leads details contains all leads per user, even if there are several in the same month.